General Session 1
What Are We Doing Here?
This general session will introduce why we are here, the key individuals involved in the conference, and set the stage for the learning opportunities for the rest of the conference.
Speakers: Riley Dvorak, Block Design Collective and Nick Lang, CMHA VP Engineering, Masonry
Sales Session 1
Understanding the Design Process
How do projects make their way from concept to reality? This session will explore the different project delivery methods and at what parts of those processes materials suppliers can influence decisions.
Speaker: Adam Hutchison, Executive Director, Northwest Concrete Masonry Association
Sales Session 2
Are Lunch and Learn’s Still Relevant? Connecting with Designers
What are the most effective ways to connect with designers? How can material suppliers help designers choose materials? While lunch-and-learn presentations can open the door to a relationship, it takes more to cultivate them. This session will explore how to become trusted advisors and support architects and designers.
Panelists: Same Rubenzer, Forse Engineering, Tyler Apple, Leonard Masonry
Sales Session 3
Addressing First Cost: Is Masonry Really More Expensive?
In many cases, a primary driver of decision-making is cost. This presentation will explore whether concrete masonry really is more expensive than other systems, and if so, how the added value of CMU construction can be sold to decision-makers. Examples of cost comparisons from the Southwest Guide to Masonry will be discussed.
Speakers: Brad Lang and Eric Sterner, LAST Architects
Technical Session 1
Concrete Masonry and Resilience
The frequency and severity of extreme events continue to increase. In some cases, the minimum level of construction dictated by codes keeps occupants safe but leads to heavy property and economic costs. This session explores the concepts of resilience and identifies how typical concrete masonry construction provides inherent resilience.
Speaker: Nick Lang, VP Engineering, Masonry, Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association
Sales Session 4
Facilitated Industry Panel
There are many examples of successful efforts to engage, educate, and influence designers and decision-makers. Hear from a panel of groups from around the country about their experiences and best ways to make a difference. Send us your questions in advance, or come prepared with them during the panel discussion.
Panelists: Phil Ledent, Masonry Institute of Michigan, Dave Gillick, Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
Technical Session 2
Carbon and CMU
Across the spectrum of projects, accounting for, and reducing, embodied carbon in buildings is influencing material decisions. The concrete masonry industry has invested in several key areas – from creating the first US Industry-Average EPD to quantifying the carbon sequestration of dry-cast products. Hear concrete masonry’s low carbon story, backed by peer-reviewed research and without any greenwashing.
Speaker: Heidi Jandris, Jandris Block
Sales Session 5
Innovate or Die – How is Masonry Innovating to Address Designer Needs?
We all know that innovation is an important part of staying relevant in evolving markets – including construction. This presentation will dive into how market drivers are changing, as well as what sectors of the construction industry are advancing, and how concrete masonry is innovating to meet those changing dynamics. In some cases, there is still more work to do – and what new innovations the industry should explore.
Speaker: Jason Thompson, Coltivomae