In an ongoing effort to ‘Walk the Talk’ of sustainability and demonstrate the use of low impact development (LID), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) decided to rehabilitate their existing parking lot and retrofit permeable pavement into it.

In an ongoing effort to ‘Walk the Talk’ of sustainability and demonstrate the use of low impact development (LID), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) decided to rehabilitate their existing parking lot and retrofit permeable pavement into it. The ICPI Foundation seized this opportunity to assist ASCE with their effort to incorporate sustainable solutions with the best option, permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP).
Construction is underway to install approximately 4,000 sf of PICP in visitor parking at the front entrance which presents the greatest exposure to guests. A weather-resistant sign will also be installed explaining the PICP project near ASCE entrance so guests can learn more about this sustainable solution for urban redevelopment. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of October.
The ASCE global headquarters is located in Reston, Virginia just outside Washington D.C. Among their 150,000 members about 10,000 visit this building annually to meet, discuss and learn. Among these visitors includes engineers, landscape architects, architects, government officials, academics and students.