HR3684, the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill: on November 5, 2021, Congress completed development and passage of HR3684, the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill).

HR3684, the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill: on November 5, 2021, Congress completed development and passage of HR3684, the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill). At this writing, the bill awaits enactment into law with the President’s signature. The White House has said the President will sign the bill into law, soon.
ICPI strongly supported passage of a Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and has signed multiple joint industry letters to the Hill stating the same.
The legislation authorizes $1.2 trillion for a wide array of infrastructure development, including construction on roads, bridges, mass transit, water facilities and more. Clearly, ICPI members will wish to engage the infrastructure authorities within their market areas to track developments in how the funding and policy under this legislation will have a local economic and construction impact on projects in which they may have interest.
While the bill is filled with provisions that will fund infrastructure projects throughout the economy, we call ICPI members’ attention to specific provisions of unique interest to the ICPI community regarding permeable pavement and stormwater reduction. It is possible that ICPI might wish to provide technical input for some of these activities. Some were recommended or specifically supported by ICPI in conversations with Capitol Hill infrastructure leadership.
Regarding issues of special interest to permeable pavements interests and the relationship between permeables and stormwater reduction, the legislation includes a study of permeable pavements and stormwater management. These present possible opportunities for ICPI to participate to offer knowledge and expertise as to how permeable pavements can benefit public policy.