ICPI staff provided a presentation on permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) at the two-day annual Ohio Stormwater Conference in Sandusky.

ICPI staff provided a presentation on permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) at the two-day annual Ohio Stormwater Conference in Sandusky, OH. Stormwater agency representatives, consultants, and suppliers from Ohio and beyond learned about University of Toronto research funded by the ICPI Foundation for Education & Research. About 40 people attended the ICPI session. The research demonstrated as much as a 50% reduction in deicers on PICP compared to asphalt. This was especially compelling news to municipalities with salinized lakes receiving deicer-filled runoff which in turn creates a decline in the fishing and boating income. The conference program attracted almost 900 people and 66 exhibitors which represents numbers attending national stormwater conferences such as ASCE and Stormcon. The Ohio conference was the second where ICPI staff provided a presentation. The event sponsor, Tinkers Creek Watershed Partners, organized their 15th conference. Thanks to favorable soils, university research, and state and municipal regulations supporting PICP use, millions of square feet have been installed in parking lots, alleys and streets throughout Ohio.