Policy control of CMHA is vested in the board of directors, which govern and interpret the bylaws. These leaders oversee all aspects of CMHA and ensure the programs and initiatives of the Association are in line with strategic goals.
David Pitre, Chair
Keystone Hardscapes
Starling Johnson, Vice Chair
Johnson Concrete Products
Trevor Fearn, Secretary
CornerStone Wall Solutions, Inc.
Sam Hoehner, Past Chair
Lee Building Products
Blair Harter, Masonry Chair
Basalite Concrete Products
Wayne Villaluna, Hardscapes Chair
Basalite Concrete Products
Fred Adams, Jr.
Fred Adams Paving Co., Inc.
Alwin Bennmann
KBH Baustoffwerke Gebhart & Soehne GmbH & Company KG
Steve Berry
Oldcastle APG
Steve Burgoyne
Jason Dean
GMS an Oldcastle Company
Jose Diaz
Craig Finch
RCP Block & Brick, Inc.
John Fizzano
Fizzano Brothers
Charles Gamarekian
Cambridge Pavers, Inc.
Frank Gandora
Creative Hardscape Company
Kathy Granger
Outdoor Living Supply
Terri Grulke
Besser Company
Manfred Herold
Brown’s Concrete Products, Ltd.
Heidi Jandris
Jandris Block
Melissa Kline
Consumers Concrete Products
Kyle Lidinsky
Tim McGinnis
Westlake Royal Stone
Mike Mueller
TEKA North America, Inc.
Roberto Nicolia
Nicolock Paving Stones
Troy Oblinger
The Quikrete Companies
Joseph Santarossa, Jr.
Santerra Stonecraft
Mark Setterstrom
Amcon Concrete Products
Adam Solomon
Solomon Colors, Inc.
Nick Sowka
County Materials Corporation
Wayne Villaluna
Basalite Concrete Products