The concrete masonry checkoff program is managed by the Concrete Masonry Checkoff Board (CMCB). Visit their website for complete information about their strategic plan, industry programs, and operations.
Like other industry partners at the national and regional level, CMHA will work closely with the CMCB to accomplish common objectives of advancing the use of concrete masonry construction.
History of the CMU Checkoff Creation
2009 – A strategic planning committee of the National Concrete Masonry Association recommended an investigation to determine if a commodity checkoff program was an appropriate organizational approach to support the promotion of concrete masonry construction.
2010 – NCMA’s Board of Directors appointed Major Ogilvie of BlockUSA / ReadyMixUSA to work with member companies and non-member companies alike to build a framework for such a program and to assess if there was enough industry support to request Congress to provide authorization.
2011 – In the 112th Congress, the Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education and Promotion Act of 2011 was introduced in both chambers of Congress.
2016 – Through three sessions of Congress, support on Capitol Hill continued to build resulting in 247 bipartisan house co-sponsors and 15 bipartisan Senate co-sponsors in the 114th Congress. On November 14, 2016, HR985 was passed by a vote of 355-38 the House of Representatives following a motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. However, the Senate version of the bill did not move forward resulting in a reintroduction of the bill in the 115th Congress.
2018 – The Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education and Promotion Act of 2017, HR1046, was ultimately incorporated into HR302, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, which has passed by both houses of Congress and then signed by President Trump on October 5, 2018.
2021 – Following several additional years of industry engagement with the Department of Commerce to develop a Concrete Masonry Products Research, Education and Promotion Order and solicit industry and public comments, the DOC conducted and industry referendum to approve the program. On December 18, 2021, the DOC reported that the referendum passed with support from 62% of Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) Manufacturers and 53% of CMU Cavities.
2022 – CMHA extends a financial loan to support start-up expenses for the Checkoff. The Secretary of Commerce appointed the first CMU Checkoff Board and policies and procedures governing how the program will operate begin to be developed. Ray McVeigh is hired as an interim CEO for the Checkoff reporting to a Checkoff Transition Advisory Committee, led by Major Ogilvie.
2023 – The Checkoff Board hires Kim Spahn as CEO. The first quarter of assessments at $0.01 per block sold are remitted in October 2023.
2024 – The Checkoff Board begins a new era of program funding.

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