Thank you for choosing CMHA Member Companies and Contractors for your concrete masonry and hardscape needs! We offer several directories below.

Find a Producer
No matter where in North America, you’ll discover that an CMHA Producer member company is nearby, manufacturing the highest quality concrete masonry and hardscape products on the market.

Buyers Guide / Associate Members
A convenient and indispensable resource. This directory lists all the member suppliers in the industry in one user-friendly searchable, online format. Locate the Associate Members providing the materials, machines, technology and more that make the industry and its products possible.

Hardscape Contractors
Need a hardscape contractor? Search for CMHA Member companies who specialize in commercial, residential or industrial hardscape contracting.

Individual Members
CMHA Members can login to this directory and search for individual members.

Certified MSV Products
This seal of approval is awarded to member companies that produce manufactured stone veneer up to the highest standards of the burgeoning industry.

Dealer Members
Search for CMHA dealer members that sell hardscape and masonry products.

Certificate Holders
Search for CMHA certificate holders in your area. Individuals listed in this directory have successfully completed a training and/or education program and accomplished the intended learning outcomes.

Certified Installers
Search for CMHA Certified Installers in your area. Individuals listed in this directory have met the minimum installation experience requirement, passed a rigorous certification exam, and have agreed to abide by the CMHA Installer Code of Conduct.