Sponsoring Online SRW Courses

Due to the impacts of COVID-19 on in-person education, NCMA is now offering the Segmental Retaining Wall Basic Installer education course and certification examination online. This is a great alternative to offer this education to local contractors. Students can complete the course at their own desks without the need of traveling, making the learning opportunity much more convenient and cost-effective.

As a sponsor, you have opportunities to utilize online delivery to give your customers the SRW training. NCMA has developed two solutions to better enable course sponsors to continue offering the SRW Installer courses:

  1. SRW Installer Online – You can use the NCMA online content offering the course and exam to your installers. NCMA can provide a company code that your customers will use when registering in the NCMA EDU Online site. The code identifies your company and will give your customers a discount. You will be notified when your customers take advantage of the training.
    • You can also sponsor the cost of the course for your customers and give them a coupon code to use in the NCMA EDU Online learning management system. NCMA will give you a report of the coupons used so you know who is taking advantage of the offer. This option has no cost for the contractor and you are billed only when the coupon is used.
  2. SRW Installer Hybrid – You can teach the SRW class online using an online platform (Zoom or similar) with content taught by an authorized SRW trainer and send the students interested to NCMA to be tested and pursue certification. NCMA can help with video conferencing systems if you need help.

You can choose one or both options to best suit your needs and the needs of your customers. To help you determine which option will work best for you, the information below gives more details of what is needed for each option.

If you have any questions, please contact Lee Krinzman. We’ll be happy to walk you through the processes to get started on these course offerings. Check out the online SRW Installer course on EDU Online.

Options and Information