ICPI authorizes two types of instructors for its installer courses – Contractor and Technical instructors. Both types of instructors must meet the same basic requirements, but Contractor instructors must also have installation experience. Instructors must be authorized for each course they wish to teach. Instructor courses are the Adult Educator Course and the Course-Specific Instructor Training. Potential instructors must take both courses. They are normally conducted when there is a demand and yearly at the Hardscape North America (HNA) trade show.
Please email ICPI at icpi@icpi.org for more information on the instructor courses and application forms.
Note on Course Policy: Course policy requires that at least one Authorized Contractor Instructor teach any ICPI installer course. A second instructor is not required, but could be a Contractor Instructor, a Technical Instructor, or a Technical Instructor who is approved to serve as a Lead Instructor.
Authorized Contractor Instructor or Authorized Technical Instructor designations are available for the following courses:
- Concrete Paver Installer Course
- Commercial Paver Technician Course
- Advanced Residential Paver Technician Course
- PICP Specialist Course
- Employer is ICPI member (if contractor member: “Contractor Affiliate” or “Contractor Voting” category)
- Hold Record of Completion for recommended prerequisite courses (1)
- Earn 90% on exam for course they wish to instruct
- Attend ½-day, in person Adult Educator Course
- Attend course-specific Instructor Training for the course they wish to instruct
- Meet installation experience requirements (2)
- Hold current Concrete Paver Installer certification
- Employer is ICPI member (if contractor member: “Contractor Affiliate” or “Contractor Voting” category)
- Hold Record of Completion for recommended prerequisite courses (1)
- Earn 90% on exam for course they wish to instruct
- Attend ½-day, in person Adult Educator Course
- Attend course-specific Instructor Training for the course they wish to instruct
- The Concrete Paver Installer Course is the recommended prerequisite for the PICP Specialist Course, Commercial Paver Technician Course, and Advanced Residential Paver Technician Course.
- Contractor Instructors – Installation Experience Requirements

*Must meet number of projects OR sq. ft. of installed projects (alternative installation & teaching experience may be considered on case-by-case basis for advanced courses)
**and at least 5 years of experience as a contractor
ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENTS for Technical Instructors to Serve as Lead Instructors
If you already hold a Technical Instructor Authorization for the Concrete Paver Installer Course, click here to download and complete an application to serve as a Lead Instructor for that course.
If you already hold a Technical Instructor Authorization for the PICP Specialist Course, click here to download an application to serve as a Lead Instructor for that course.
Once authorized, all instructors must earn 10 credits of continuing education within every 2-year term. At least 2 of the 10 continuing education credits needed must be from attending an adult educator topic of the instructor’s choosing (example: improving presentation skills, etc.) or by earning one credit per course taught. The remaining eight must follow the ICPI guidelines for continuing education and service to the industry credit for Certified Installers.