This course teaches installers fundamental SRW installation guidelines, material and system component properties, soils and compaction, the effect of water, and site practices. This course is offered online, as well as a one-day, in person course locally sponsored all through the year.
New in 2020 – the SRW Basic Installer course has gone ONLINE. In response to class cancellations due to COVID-19, you can now take the education and the final exam through the NCMA EDU Online learning management system. Find the online course here.
The Certified SRW Installer (CSRWI) Program is available to each candidate who completes the SRW Installer Course (or equivalent SRW-installation-related education), passes a written examination and submit 2,500 sq. ft of installation experience (see Application for Certification Form).
Not only will it ensure better quality work, it’s a credential that’s highly valued by consumers and the broader marketplace.
Over 16,000 installers throughout the United States and Canada have proven their commitment to understanding and improving SRW installation practices by successfully completing the NCMA SRW Installer Course. Only a very elite subgroup has obtained the Certified Segmental Retaining Wall Installer (CSRWI) credentials. By satisfying the CSRWI eligibility standards, you will distinguish yourself from your uncertified competitors.
Certified SRW Installers that want to maintain their certificate must apply to recertify every two years. Please use the Recertification Form.