Generate optimal exposure for your company with a sponsorship at the upcoming Annual Meeting. With so many events taking place during the week there are so many great opportunities to showcase your company’s support for the industry and the association. Review details about each of the packages and a la carte options and secure the best sponsorship(s) for your company.
Platinum Sponsorship
Cost: $6,000
Hospitality & Refreshments – Company logo displayed in Hospitality Area (4 Days).
NEW! CMHA Innovative Technologies Forum Visual recognition on screen (landing slide and video loop) of company logo at the new Innovative Technologies Forum as wellas verbal acknowledgement at the podium. This forum event will include beer, wine and snacks.
Meeting Room Wi-FiTable Tents Be recognized on all Table Tents during every meeting! Company logo will be printed on all meeting room tabletents. These 3-sided Table Tents will have the schedule, Wi-Fi information featuring your company logo and promotion ofupcoming events.
CMHA Annual Meeting Mobile App Banner & Profile Go paperless! In lieu of the pocket guide, the Mobile App will be the hub for all the information regarding schedules, events,and meeting agendas, right at your fingertips. Company recognition within the mobile app in a combined banner ad with allPlatinum sponsors’ logos listed.
Sponsor Recognition:
- Company logo on the CMHA Annual Meeting website, eNews and pre/during/post-conference promotion
- Company logo displayed on daily signage “Thank you to our Sponsors”
- Sponsorship ribbon placed on sponsor’s badge
Gold Sponsorship
Cost: $4,000
NEW! CMHA Innovative Technologies Forum Visual recognition on screen (landing slide and video loop) of company logo at the new Innovative Technologies Forum as wellas verbal acknowledgement at the podium. This forum event will include beer, wine and snacks.
Meeting Room Wi-Fi Table Tents Be recognized on all Table Tents during every meeting! Company logo will be printed on all meeting room tabletents. These 3-sided Table Tents will have the schedule, Wi-Fi information featuring your company logo and promotion ofupcoming events.
CMHA Annual Meeting Mobile App Banner & Profile
Go paperless! In lieu of the pocket guide, the Mobile App will be the hub for all the information regarding schedules, events,and meeting agendas, right at your fingertips. Company recognition within the mobile app in a combined banner ad with all Gold sponsors’ logos listed.
Sponsor Recognition:
- Company logo on the CMHA Annual Meeting website, eNews and pre/during/post-conference promotion
- Company logo displayed on daily signage “Thank you to our Sponsors”
- Sponsorship ribbon placed on sponsor’s badge
Silver Sponsorship
Cost: $3,000
Meeting Room Wi-Fi Table Tents Be recognized on all Table Tents during every meeting! Company logo will be printed on all meeting room tabletents. These 3-sided Table Tents will have the schedule, Wi-Fi information featuring your company logo and promotion ofupcoming events.
CMHA Annual Meeting Mobile App Banner & Profile
Go paperless! In lieu of the pocket guide, the Mobile App will be the hub for all the information regarding schedules, events,and meeting agendas, right at your fingertips. Company recognition within the mobile app in a combined banner ad with all Silver sponsors’ logos listed
Sponsor Recognition:
- Company logo on the CMHA Annual Meeting website, eNews and pre/during/post-conference promotion
- Company logo displayed on daily signage “Thank you to our Sponsors”
- Sponsorship ribbon placed on sponsor’s badge
A La Carte Sponsorships
There are seven a la carte options to choose from. Some options are exclusive to a single sponsor and other options are available for multiple sponsors. Review the opportunities below and then click the “Sponsor Now” button to make your selections and send a completed form to our Meetings and Events Team.
For more information please contact the Meetings and Events Coordinator, Dana Hartung.