The Lifetime Achievement Award is NCMA’s highest recognition for achievement or service by individuals through a member company (or companies). The award recognizes those individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to directly advance the industry and/or the association in a profound and lasting manner.
Recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award are also inducted into the NCMA Hall of Fame.
- The contributions of the nominee should have a lifetime or generational impact on NCMA or the industry.
- Nominees shall have provided significant leadership through NCMA through offices held or through other service. The duration of the service of the individual as well as the magnitude of contributions will be considered.
- Nominees should no longer be active on a daily basis of employment within the industry. (Waivers to this criterion can be considered in special circumstances)
- Recipients should be associated with or retired from a member company in good standing or from the association.
NCMA members may submit nominations for individuals at any time. Nominations must include the information required on the Lifetime Achievement Nomination Form, available on the right side of this page.
Deadlines for nominations are June 1 and Dec. 1. Nominations are reviewed by the Awards Committee, recommended by the Council of Past Chairs, and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Recipients will be publicly presented with an award of recognition.
- A photo plaque of the recipient will be displayed perpetually at the NCMA headquarters.
- A list of past winners will be maintained on the NCMA website.
- A press-release will be distributed celebrating the award.
- Lifetime achievement award winners are simultaneously inducted into the NCMA Hall of Fame.
- Recipients are considered honorary members of NCMA for their lifetime.
2022 – Patrick C. Dubbert, Midwest Block and Brick
2021 – Pete Hoyt, Oldcastle Architectural, Inc.
2021 – Jim Weber, Oldcastle Architectural, Inc.
2020 – Don Beers, Masonry Association of Florida
2018 – Bill Wauhop, Billy Wauhop and Associates*
2018 – Scott Weber, Basalite Concrete Products
2014 – David Nickerson, Concrete Block Insulating Systems*
2014 – William Oberfield, Oberfields LLC
2013 – Donald Lampus, Sr., R.I. Lampus Company
2012 – Paul LaVene, Carolinas Concrete Masonry Association
2012 – James Anderegg, Mutual Materials*
2008 – Mark B. Hogan, National Concrete Masonry Association
2008 – Max L. Hunt, Northfield Block Company*
2007 – Ben Fry, Blocklite*
2007 – Tony Fizzano, Fizzano Brothers Concrete Products*
2007 – Philip Paolella, Plasticrete Corporation*
2007 – Bruce Baumann, Anchor Wall Systems
2005 – Peter G. Muth, Orco Block Company*
2001 – Lou Riedmann, Watkins Concrete Block Company*
2000 – Paul Childress, Betco Block & Products, Inc.*
1998 – Ray Browning, Capitol Concrete Products Company*
Submission Deadline
Midyear Meeting Deadline
June 1st
Annual Convention Deadline
December 1st