Park & Kingston Apartments


The property manager was particular to ensure that the Segmental Retaining Wall (SRW) products used in the construction would seamlessly blend with the overall architecture of the building. The client wanted to create a harmonious design where the common areas would flow naturally with the rest of the structure.


SRWs in the shade Yadkin Brown were installed throughout the common areas. The color was meticulously replicated to ensure the Architectural Block matched the SRWs and achieved the client’s vision.


The installation of the SRWs proved to be highly successful, resulting in a visually appealing and cohesive exterior for the apartment complex. The careful selection of the SRW products, coupled with the color-matching process, contributed to the overall aesthetic of the building. SRW products in the common areas helped create a seamless transition between different parts of the apartment complex. The client was pleased with the cohesive and balanced beauty of the exterior thanks to the thoughtful planning and the collaborative work of the installation and manufacturing team.

Team & Location

Owner: Park & Kingston Apartments
Designer: Carocon Corporation – General Contractor
Producer: Johnson Concrete Products
Installer: Gates Construction – Masonry Contractor, Skyline Design & Landscape – Wall Installer
Project Location: Salisbury, NC